GFL is an ever expanding gaming community.
Our servers are created, customized and optimized to give every player the gaming experience they deserve. In addition to this, we hand pick all of our admins and take pride in having the best team to keep our servers clean. We are always recruiting, and welcome new members daily. Feel free to apply for membership if you haven't already!
- General Rules
- Necro Posting
- Do NOT bump threads that are very old, unless there is a good reason for it.
- Spamming
- Do NOT spam the forums with posts, private messages, or status updates.
- Inappropriate Content
- Do NOT post nudity or overly disgusting images, videos, or gifs on the forums, even if it is in a spoiler and labeled NSFW. This rule applies to avatars and profile banners as well.
- Reputation Abuse
- Do NOT ask for likes or run any kind of forum games involving the reputation system.
- Sharing Personal Information
- Do NOT share another individual's personal information on the forums. This includes IP addresses, personal emails, and accounts on websites (i.e. social media).
- Language
- These forums are English only. You may use certain words from different languages, but you are not allowed to make entire posts, replies, or shouts in any other languages. Private messages are fine.
- Off-topic Conversations
- Do NOT post off-topic messages in forum threads or create threads in the incorrect section (i.e. posting GMOD relating topics in the CS:GO area).
- Advertising Other Communities
- Do NOT link to another community to recruit other people. Sending a link to another community because you want to show something is fine.
- Toxicity
- Do NOT be overly toxic. This includes using blatant or extreme racism or sexism, trolling, overly negative, causing trouble with other users, etc.
- Malicious Links
- Do NOT post links that could be considered as malicious. Examples of this are links to screamers, malware, pornography, or extreme gore.
- Chatbox Specific Rules
- Zalgo
- You are not allowed to use any symbols/characters that leave a message's allotted space, thus interfering with other people's shouts.
- Private Matters
- If a particular matter is of a private circumstance between you and someone else, keep it out of the chatbox.
- Excessively Long Messages
- Do NOT post excessively long messages. This includes large quantities of mentions or emotes.
GFL is an ever expanding gaming community.
Our servers are created, customized and optimized to give every player the gaming experience they deserve. In addition to this, we hand pick all of our admins and take pride in having the best team to keep our servers clean. We are always recruiting, and welcome new members daily. Feel free to apply for membership if you haven't already!
- General Rules
- Necro Posting
- Do NOT bump threads that are very old, unless there is a good reason for it.
- Spamming
- Do NOT spam the forums with posts, private messages, or status updates.
- Inappropriate Content
- Do NOT post nudity or overly disgusting images, videos, or gifs on the forums, even if it is in a spoiler and labeled NSFW. This rule applies to avatars and profile banners as well.
- Reputation Abuse
- Do NOT ask for likes or run any kind of forum games involving the reputation system.
- Sharing Personal Information
- Do NOT share another individual's personal information on the forums. This includes IP addresses, personal emails, and accounts on websites (i.e. social media).
- Language
- These forums are English only. You may use certain words from different languages, but you are not allowed to make entire posts, replies, or shouts in any other languages. Private messages are fine.
- Off-topic Conversations
- Do NOT post off-topic messages in forum threads or create threads in the incorrect section (i.e. posting GMOD relating topics in the CS:GO area).
- Advertising Other Communities
- Do NOT link to another community to recruit other people. Sending a link to another community because you want to show something is fine.
- Toxicity
- Do NOT be overly toxic. This includes using blatant or extreme racism or sexism, trolling, overly negative, causing trouble with other users, etc.
- Malicious Links
- Do NOT post links that could be considered as malicious. Examples of this are links to screamers, malware, pornography, or extreme gore.
- Chatbox Specific Rules
- Zalgo
- You are not allowed to use any symbols/characters that leave a message's allotted space, thus interfering with other people's shouts.
- Private Matters
- If a particular matter is of a private circumstance between you and someone else, keep it out of the chatbox.
- Excessively Long Messages
- Do NOT post excessively long messages. This includes large quantities of mentions or emotes.
GFL is an ever expanding gaming community.
Our servers are created, customized and optimized to give every player the gaming experience they deserve. In addition to this, we hand pick all of our admins and take pride in having the best team to keep our servers clean. We are always recruiting, and welcome new members daily. Feel free to apply for membership if you haven't already!
- General Rules
- Necro Posting
- Do NOT bump threads that are very old, unless there is a good reason for it.
- Spamming
- Do NOT spam the forums with posts, private messages, or status updates.
- Inappropriate Content
- Do NOT post nudity or overly disgusting images, videos, or gifs on the forums, even if it is in a spoiler and labeled NSFW. This rule applies to avatars and profile banners as well.
- Reputation Abuse
- Do NOT ask for likes or run any kind of forum games involving the reputation system.
- Sharing Personal Information
- Do NOT share another individual's personal information on the forums. This includes IP addresses, personal emails, and accounts on websites (i.e. social media).
- Language
- These forums are English only. You may use certain words from different languages, but you are not allowed to make entire posts, replies, or shouts in any other languages. Private messages are fine.
- Off-topic Conversations
- Do NOT post off-topic messages in forum threads or create threads in the incorrect section (i.e. posting GMOD relating topics in the CS:GO area).
- Advertising Other Communities
- Do NOT link to another community to recruit other people. Sending a link to another community because you want to show something is fine.
- Toxicity
- Do NOT be overly toxic. This includes using blatant or extreme racism or sexism, trolling, overly negative, causing trouble with other users, etc.
- Malicious Links
- Do NOT post links that could be considered as malicious. Examples of this are links to screamers, malware, pornography, or extreme gore.
- Chatbox Specific Rules
- Zalgo
- You are not allowed to use any symbols/characters that leave a message's allotted space, thus interfering with other people's shouts.
- Private Matters
- If a particular matter is of a private circumstance between you and someone else, keep it out of the chatbox.
- Excessively Long Messages
- Do NOT post excessively long messages. This includes large quantities of mentions or emotes.
GFL is an ever expanding gaming community.
Our servers are created, customized and optimized to give every player the gaming experience they deserve. In addition to this, we hand pick all of our admins and take pride in having the best team to keep our servers clean. We are always recruiting, and welcome new members daily. Feel free to apply for membership if you haven't already!
- General Rules
- Necro Posting
- Do NOT bump threads that are very old, unless there is a good reason for it.
- Spamming
- Do NOT spam the forums with posts, private messages, or status updates.
- Inappropriate Content
- Do NOT post nudity or overly disgusting images, videos, or gifs on the forums, even if it is in a spoiler and labeled NSFW. This rule applies to avatars and profile banners as well.
- Reputation Abuse
- Do NOT ask for likes or run any kind of forum games involving the reputation system.
- Sharing Personal Information
- Do NOT share another individual's personal information on the forums. This includes IP addresses, personal emails, and accounts on websites (i.e. social media).
- Language
- These forums are English only. You may use certain words from different languages, but you are not allowed to make entire posts, replies, or shouts in any other languages. Private messages are fine.
- Off-topic Conversations
- Do NOT post off-topic messages in forum threads or create threads in the incorrect section (i.e. posting GMOD relating topics in the CS:GO area).
- Advertising Other Communities
- Do NOT link to another community to recruit other people. Sending a link to another community because you want to show something is fine.
- Toxicity
- Do NOT be overly toxic. This includes using blatant or extreme racism or sexism, trolling, overly negative, causing trouble with other users, etc.
- Malicious Links
- Do NOT post links that could be considered as malicious. Examples of this are links to screamers, malware, pornography, or extreme gore.
- Chatbox Specific Rules
- Zalgo
- You are not allowed to use any symbols/characters that leave a message's allotted space, thus interfering with other people's shouts.
- Private Matters
- If a particular matter is of a private circumstance between you and someone else, keep it out of the chatbox.
- Excessively Long Messages
- Do NOT post excessively long messages. This includes large quantities of mentions or emotes.
GFL is an ever expanding gaming community.
Our servers are created, customized and optimized to give every player the gaming experience they deserve. In addition to this, we hand pick all of our admins and take pride in having the best team to keep our servers clean. We are always recruiting, and welcome new members daily. Feel free to apply for membership if you haven't already!
- General Rules
- Necro Posting
- Do NOT bump threads that are very old, unless there is a good reason for it.
- Spamming
- Do NOT spam the forums with posts, private messages, or status updates.
- Inappropriate Content
- Do NOT post nudity or overly disgusting images, videos, or gifs on the forums, even if it is in a spoiler and labeled NSFW. This rule applies to avatars and profile banners as well.
- Reputation Abuse
- Do NOT ask for likes or run any kind of forum games involving the reputation system.
- Sharing Personal Information
- Do NOT share another individual's personal information on the forums. This includes IP addresses, personal emails, and accounts on websites (i.e. social media).
- Language
- These forums are English only. You may use certain words from different languages, but you are not allowed to make entire posts, replies, or shouts in any other languages. Private messages are fine.
- Off-topic Conversations
- Do NOT post off-topic messages in forum threads or create threads in the incorrect section (i.e. posting GMOD relating topics in the CS:GO area).
- Advertising Other Communities
- Do NOT link to another community to recruit other people. Sending a link to another community because you want to show something is fine.
- Toxicity
- Do NOT be overly toxic. This includes using blatant or extreme racism or sexism, trolling, overly negative, causing trouble with other users, etc.
- Malicious Links
- Do NOT post links that could be considered as malicious. Examples of this are links to screamers, malware, pornography, or extreme gore.
- Chatbox Specific Rules
- Zalgo
- You are not allowed to use any symbols/characters that leave a message's allotted space, thus interfering with other people's shouts.
- Private Matters
- If a particular matter is of a private circumstance between you and someone else, keep it out of the chatbox.
- Excessively Long Messages
- Do NOT post excessively long messages. This includes large quantities of mentions or emotes.
GFL is an ever expanding gaming community.
Our servers are created, customized and optimized to give every player the gaming experience they deserve. In addition to this, we hand pick all of our admins and take pride in having the best team to keep our servers clean. We are always recruiting, and welcome new members daily. Feel free to apply for membership if you haven't already!
- General Rules
- Necro Posting
- Do NOT bump threads that are very old, unless there is a good reason for it.
- Spamming
- Do NOT spam the forums with posts, private messages, or status updates.
- Inappropriate Content
- Do NOT post nudity or overly disgusting images, videos, or gifs on the forums, even if it is in a spoiler and labeled NSFW. This rule applies to avatars and profile banners as well.
- Reputation Abuse
- Do NOT ask for likes or run any kind of forum games involving the reputation system.
- Sharing Personal Information
- Do NOT share another individual's personal information on the forums. This includes IP addresses, personal emails, and accounts on websites (i.e. social media).
- Language
- These forums are English only. You may use certain words from different languages, but you are not allowed to make entire posts, replies, or shouts in any other languages. Private messages are fine.
- Off-topic Conversations
- Do NOT post off-topic messages in forum threads or create threads in the incorrect section (i.e. posting GMOD relating topics in the CS:GO area).
- Advertising Other Communities
- Do NOT link to another community to recruit other people. Sending a link to another community because you want to show something is fine.
- Toxicity
- Do NOT be overly toxic. This includes using blatant or extreme racism or sexism, trolling, overly negative, causing trouble with other users, etc.
- Malicious Links
- Do NOT post links that could be considered as malicious. Examples of this are links to screamers, malware, pornography, or extreme gore.
- Chatbox Specific Rules
- Zalgo
- You are not allowed to use any symbols/characters that leave a message's allotted space, thus interfering with other people's shouts.
- Private Matters
- If a particular matter is of a private circumstance between you and someone else, keep it out of the chatbox.
- Excessively Long Messages
- Do NOT post excessively long messages. This includes large quantities of mentions or emotes.